Wednesday, January 02, 2008

It's another year gone. Hi,2008.

Hmm, I can tell that this post that I'm going to write is sappy and really cheesy. Brace yourself people..

Ah yes,I remembered it like it was just yesterday. Bahah! Anyway..Everyone took one big breath and counted, "! Happy New Yeeeeear!". A throng of bodies overwhelmed The Curve on Tuesday midnight, each and everyone gathered for the farewell of 2007. It was 2008. A year just ended in a split second, the only thought that was on my mind was, "I need a time machine."

For the very first time, I didn't want to let go of last year. It must have been the fear of change. Now I have to think about the things that I want to do instead of wearing the same old uniform and skipping into school merrily. Sometimes, I wish I could just stop time for a little while to take a breather.

Come to think of it, why should I be afraid change? Our lives revolves around change, it's a mutual attraction that we can't run away from.Just yesterday I went over to Kimmy's place and we went through all the pictures of 2007. We laughed and reminded ourselves about the great times. It's so scary how things can change in just one year.

My dad quoted to me, " Yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream.So live the moment." Stupidity took over my mind and I stared blankly at his face, as if the answer would miraculously appear on his face.

The more I thought I about what he said,the more I understood.

We can't possibly dwell on the past, they could only remind us of great things or the bad. Strive forward to the days to come as we can only anticipate how things would turn out.

As for New Year's resolutions, I'll keep that to myself.

If I could change anything from last year, it would be nothing.

Happy New Year,guys!


Joel said...

Happy New Year Nic!!
It's been almost 2 months I didn't seen you guyz..Sorry..I had been so busy with my work....I hope 1 day we get to hangout together like the old times^^...

nicci said...

Hey! Yeah, Happy New Year to you too:)

Hope you had a great one.

See you soon!